Unless defined below capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Term of Service.

Eamus audio (“Eamus”) is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and maintaining your trust and confidence is one of Eamus’ highest priorities.

To provide you with the best experience possible while using the Website, upon purchase of products from the Website, upon interaction with support services, upon subscribing to newsletters and other marketing, and other interactions between you and Eamus. You may from time to time provide Eamus with personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) that Eamus collects and processes.

Eamus is committed to collecting and processing Personal Data only in accordance with its rights and responsibilities under the applicable laws and regulations.

The basic principles are that Personal Data shall be:

a. processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals;
b. processed only for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;
c. processed only in a way that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
d. accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that Personal Data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay;
e. processed for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data are processed; and
f. processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

This Privacy Policy explains Eamus’ Personal Data collection and processing practices.

Please read this Privacy Policy before using the Website or submitting any Personal Data.

The Website contains links to third-party sites or functionalities, which are not subject to this Privacy Policy.

Eamus does not endorse and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content on such third-party sites or functionalities.


Please note that you need to provide Eamus with certain Personal Data if you would like to purchase products directly from Eamus if you would like to subscribe to Newsletters or Marketing and in some cases when you contact the support or customer service.

If you choose to withhold any Personal Data requested by Eamus for such purposes, it might not be possible for Eamus to accept your purchase of products, subscription for Newsletters, or Marketing or solve the matter that you would like to have solved by the support or customer service.

Eamus collects and processes Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


The types of Personal Data that Eamus collects and processes upon purchase of products consist of the following for the following purpose and time periods:

Personal Data type:

Your name, Your shipping and billing address, Your mobile phone number & Your e-mail address.

Legal Ground and Purpose:

For the necessary purpose of fulfilling Eamus obligations related to the purchase, such as processing orders, performing the delivery of the products, providing product warranty, resolving disputes, collecting payments, handling claims, withdrawals, and repayment, and for compliance with legal obligations (such as bookkeeping).

Personal Data Retention Period:

For the time needed to fulfill Eamus’ obligations, including facilitating warranty obligations.

Personal Data type:


Legal Ground and Purpose:

For the necessary purpose of fulfilling Eamus’s obligations related to security and fraud prevention.

Personal Data Retention Period:

For the time needed to fulfill Eamus’ obligations towards law enforcement authorities and banks.


The types of Personal Data that Eamus collects upon subscription to Newsletters and Marketing:

Personal Data type:

Your e-mail address & IP-address

Legal Ground and Purpose:

After receipt of your consent, Eamus reserves the right to process the Personal Data for the following purposes: sending product information, special offers, running competitions, conducting market research, measuring interest in and improving Eamus’ website, products, and services, sending you newsletters and product information.

Personal Data Retention Period:

Until withdrawal of consent. Please note however that for administrative purposes this might take up to thirty days.


The types of Personal Data that Eamus collects upon your contacts with support or customer service:

Personal Data type:

Your e-mail address and other information you voluntarily provide upon contact with support or customer service.

Legal Ground and Purpose:

For the necessary purpose of fulfilling Eamus’ obligations related to the contact, such as handling claims, withdrawals and repayment.

Personal Data Retention Period:

For the time needed to fulfill Eamus’ obligations.


Any Personal Data related to you that you voluntarily choose to provide in any open areas of the Website, such as forums, commentary sections, etc. are deemed to be given under the consent that Eamus has the right to process such Personal Data until further notice from you and you are informed that such Personal Data may be available to any other visitor of the Website and that Eamus may have difficulties, or even not being able, to keep track of such Personal Data.

If you would like Eamus to take action in relation to such information in accordance with what is set out in Section 3 below, Eamus may request you to provide information about where such Personal Data is located to take appropriate actions.


Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, Eamus will not intentionally disclose your Personal Data to third parties without your consent. Eamus may however disclose information to third parties, for them to process the same, in the circumstances set out below.


Eamus works with third-party service providers who provide (i) Website and application development, hosting, maintenance, e-mail servers, and other related services, (ii) order fulfillments, payment fulfillments, product shipment, after-sales services, support services, and other related services, (iii) services related to the sending of E-mails, Newsletters, providing Marketing and other related services, and (iv) financial services, bookkeeping services and audits and other related services.

Such third parties may receive access to your Personal Data in order for them to provide the intended services for Eamus. Eamus will however limit the Personal Data provided to such third parties to what is reasonably necessary for such third parties to perform their obligation in relation to Eamus, and always subject to obligations of confidentiality.


Eamus may disclose Personal Data if required to do so by applicable laws, court orders, judicial and government subpoenas or warrants, or otherwise to cooperate with law enforcement or other governmental agencies.

Furthermore, Eamus reserves the right to disclose Personal Data that Eamus believe is appropriate or necessary to take actions to protect Eamus and others from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use or activity, to investigate and defend Eamus from third-party claims or allegations and to protect Eamus business and legal rights, enforce contracts or protect the rights, property or safety of others.


Personal Data may be transferred to an acquirer or assignee as part of a sale of the business of Eamus, either in whole or in part, for the sole purpose of continuing the business subject to such sale and only of the recipient of such of the Personal Data commits to a Privacy Policy with terms materially consistent with this Privacy Policy.


Eamus may transfer Personal Data to service providers, as stated in Section 2.1 above, located outside of the EU. Eamus will however at all times comply with GDPR requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of such Personal Dara to such third countries and will try to minimise such transfer.


As concerns your Personal Data and Eamus’ processing of the same, you have the following rights:

Right to access:

You have the right to receive information if Eamus is processing any of your Personal Data, and if so, what kind of Personal Data, for what purpose and for what time period, etc.;

Right of rectification:

You are entitled to require Eamus to correct any errors in or update your Personal Data;

Right to be forgotten:

You are entitled to require Eamus to delete all Personal Data or parts thereof, that is being processed by Eamus in certain circumstances;

Right to restrict processing:

You have the right to require that Eamus restricts or suppresses the Personal Data that Eamus processes or Eamus’ use of the same in certain circumstances; and

Right of data portability:

You have the right to export your Personal Data provided by you to Eamus.

In order to allow you to enforce your rights set out above Eamus provides you access to a personal account where your Personal Data can be managed, reviewed, corrected, updated, and exported. If you haven’t created a login to your personal account you can create such a login by using the same e-mail address as used during purchase.

You may also contact Eamus with regards to your rights via the contact information provided below.

Upon contact with customer service for this purpose, you may need access to the same e-mail address as used during purchase or registration with Eamus in order for Eamus to have the possibility of verifying your identity and right to access your Personal Data.

Please note that while changes or updates will be reflected within Eamus systems immediately or within a reasonable period of time, Eamus reserves the right to retain all your Personal Data for backups, prevention of fraud or abuse, the satisfaction of legal obligations, or where Eamus otherwise believes that Eamus has the legitimate or mandatory reason to do so.

Eamus will not be able to correct or update any Personal Data in relation to orders for products being processed or being shipped to you.


At any time you may contact Eamus to object to the processing of your Personal Data where processing is justified based on Eamus’ legitimate interests or where you believe that your rights to privacy under applicable data protection laws has been infringed upon. For such contacts please use the contact information provided in Section 10 below.

You also have a right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority.


Eamus is committed to keeping your Personal Data secure against unauthorized access or use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction, and accidental loss by using for example accepted industry standards, modern software that is kept up to date, and appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards. This includes for example firewalls, password protection, and authentication controls. Only authorized employees, agents, and service providers (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) have access to your Personal Data. However, you should be aware that there is always some risk involved in transmitting information over the internet.

In the event of a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, your Personal Data, Eamus will promptly assess the risk such event has on your rights and freedoms and if appropriate inform you and the relevant data protection supervisory authority of such event.

If you believe that your Personal Data has been compromised, please contact Eamus via the contact information below as soon as possible.


Eamus uses automatically-collected information – however not any Personal Data – through cookies and other technologies to personalize your experience of the Website, provide customized advertisement, information, and content, and to monitor and analyze your use of the Website.

Furthermore, Eamus uses analytics technologies (Google Analytics) to measure and evaluate the access and traffic on the Website, and to generate navigation reports. Such technology is not collecting any Personal Data.

Google operates independently from Eamus and has its own privacy, please see google.com You may from some browsers opt-out form the collection of navigation information by Google Analytics by using Google’s opt-out feature.


Eamus may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Upon such updates, Eamus will make the new Privacy Policy available on the Website and indicate the date of the latest revisions made.

You are encouraged to revisit this Privacy Policy periodically to keep yourself informed about any changes to this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Website, your personal account, contacts with the support or customer service, or purchase of products after the revised Privacy Policy has become effective will indicate that you have read, understood, and accepted the then current version of the Privacy Policy.


You may contact Eamus at any time:

  • to request access to your Personal Data that Eamus is processing,
  • to correct such Personal Data,
  • to request that Eamus either restricts its use of your Personal Data or deletes such Personal Data, or
  • if you do not understand any of the foregoing terms and conditions or if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about Eamus’ Privacy Policy.


By e-mail: info@eamusaudio.com

This Privacy Policy was last updated: April 7th, 2020.